Nomothetic and Idiographic Methods

Nomotheic methods is one of the research method in which analysis is directed towards formulation of general principles. From sociological perspective, application of this method entails that individual events are studied not for their own sake but for their significance in so far as they contribute to the formulation of generalization. Sociology and physical sciences are regarded as nomothetic sciences because of their primary goal is to abstract generalization from specific event and individual facts. 

Idiographic method on the other hand is a technique of studying human behaviour by a thorough analysis of individual cases. Here emphasis is more on detailed description and in-dept study than on generalizations  The case study method may be considered on idiographic method where emphasis is on the complete understanding of each individual case rather than upon deriving analytical generalization from characteristics of a large number of cases. History is regarded as an idiographic discipline because it is more concerned with study of particular event.