In social research, after selection of a topic/problem and review of literature; next logical step is formulation of a hypothesis or set of hypothesis. Based on his/her experience the researcher may assume possible relation between certain sets of variables. He/She may also infer such relationships from the literature review. Now, he formally states his/her expectation in the form of a series of hypothesis.
A hypothesis is statement of the relationship between two or more variables. For example, one might state that there is positive relationship between two or more variables. For example, one might state that there is positive relationship between alcoholism and spousal abuse or between the practice of untouchability and inter-caste conflict. A good hypothesis, however has more than just a formal statement. It is also require an operational definition of the concepts, that is a precise and measurable definition of variables. The terms like 'old people' or 'senior citizens' are meaningless for scientific inquiry but if we say persons sixty years of age and older, we have an operational definition of the variable.
Similarly, hypothesis must be testable. Assertion that 'God exists' may be wonderful idea but it is not a research question.
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